Psychometric Properties of the Evidence-Based Professional Practice Scale in a Sample of Clinical Psychologists in the Dominican Republic




psychometric properties, evidence-based practices, validation, Dominican Republic


This study evaluated the psychometric properties of the Evidence-Based Professional Practice Scale (EPPBE). A probabilistic sample of 235 clinical psychologists who work in state hospitals and in private practice in the Dominican Republic was selected. The results of this study support an internal structure of three factors, as proposed by its authors, and similar to the results obtained with a sample of clinical psychologists from Puerto Rico with whom the EPPBE was initially developed and validated. Also, the correlations between the dimensions (e.g, knowledge) of the EPPBE were very good (between r = .57 and .89). The correlations between these dimensions and the Social Desirability Scale were less robust (between r = -.17 to -.21). Furthermore, the internal consistency (Cronbach’s alfa, α) of the EPPBE was also very good, ranging in dimensions between α = .92 and .94, and .94 among all items of the instrument. The results suggested that the EPPBE is an instrument which allows for valid and reliable inferences regarding the attitudes, behaviors and evidence-based knowledge of professional practices in a sample of clinical psychologists in the Dominican Republic.


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How to Cite

Hernández, C. R., Rosario-Hernández, E., & Lorenzo Ruiz, A. (2020). Psychometric Properties of the Evidence-Based Professional Practice Scale in a Sample of Clinical Psychologists in the Dominican Republic. Revista Caribeña De Psicología, 4(3), 204–216.

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