Development of a scale for interest in animals


  • Gabriel Cirino Gerena Test Innovations
  • Kelvin Mariani Escalante Test Innovations



human-animal relationship, interest inventory, interest in animals, scale development


Psychologists, particularly in Puerto Rico, have not done enough research on the relationships between humans and animals. Although there has been an increase in therapeutic activities involving animals and their use in recreational and employment activities. On the other hand, major interest inventories generally do not include scales related to animals. Due to this situation we decided to develop a scale of interest in animals to be included in the Cirino Interests Inventory (ICI). We created an experimental scale with a sub-scale of affective orientation (6 items) and another sub-scale of utilitarian orientation (6) items towards animals. The ICI was administered online to 1,858 participants, of which 48.2% (n = 895) are women and 51.8% (n = 963) men. The correlation of the sub-scales was r = 0 .789 so we understood that there is no evidence of two different orientations towards animals. We correlate the final scale of interest in animals (10 items) with the general scales of Interest in People (r = 0 .43) and Interest in Objects (r = 0.44) of the ICI. Finally, we include the scale of interest in animals as part of the basic scales of Interest in Objects.


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How to Cite

Cirino Gerena, G. ., & Mariani Escalante, K. (2020). Development of a scale for interest in animals. Revista Caribeña De Psicología, 4(2), 114–119.

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