Yoga for Psychological Well-being and Perceived Stress in Adults with Adverse Childhood Experiences




wellbeing, Stress, trauma, Yoga


Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs) are associated with the decline of psychological well-being and the increase of stress. Research has shown that Yoga mitigates stress and promotes psychological well-being. This study examines if: (1) ACEs are associated to stress and psychological well-being, and (2) if these variables differ with the practice of Yoga. A sample size of 209 participants with a minimum of three ACEs was used. A point biserial correlation was used and a positive and significant correlation was found between ACEs and stress, while a negative and significant correlation was found between ACEs and psychological well-being. There were no significant differences in psychological well-being between yoga practitioners and non-practitioners for 60 days. Practitioners of Yoga that practiced for 2 years differed significantly in psychological well-being than non-practitioners. Results suggest that ACEs are associated with more stress and less psychological well-being. Additionally, they also suggest that practicing Yoga for 2 years pro-motes psychological well-being. This has important implications for the inclusion of Yoga in set-tings that involve psychotherapy.


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How to Cite

Fernández Diego, S., Planas-García, B. Y., & Pérez-Pedrogo, C. (2023). Yoga for Psychological Well-being and Perceived Stress in Adults with Adverse Childhood Experiences. Revista Caribeña De Psicología, 7(1), e7679.