Attitudes and dispositions of health and social science students in the clinical care of trans persons.




personas trans, atención clínica, actitudes, disposición


Abstract: The objective of this research was to identify the relationship between attitudes, disposition and age in the clinical care of trans people by university students. This was done with a sample of 185 students from health and social sciences faculties in Colombia through a virtual application questionnaire consisting of items from two scales designed by Esteban et al. (2020) and Rodríguez-Madera et al. (2017). It was obtained that the vast majority of participants do not present high prejudices or disposition towards the trans population. In addition, dispositions are related to age because people older than 30 years presented lower levels of prejudice and disposition. Finally, it is concluded that attitudes will vary by factors such as social pressure and the intention to change that behavior. Regarding dispositions, the social context of the professional and the tools he/she/them uses to acquire knowledge on issues of sexual and gender diversity should be taken into account.

Key words: Attitudes, clinical care, disposition, trans persons.



How to Cite

Peña Buitrago, I. ., Cubides Madroñero, L. M., Hoyos Chalarca, L. L. ., & Hoyos Hernández, P. A. (2021). Attitudes and dispositions of health and social science students in the clinical care of trans persons. Revista Caribeña De Psicología, 5(1), e5963.