When Compassion Moves Us: It Presents at Work





compassion at work, psychometry, positive psychology


Compassion at work has recently been studied as a relevant construct to promote the well-being of employees, the organizational goals’ achievement, and the quality of organizational life. The main objective of this study was to analyze the psychometric properties of a battery of items in order to develop three scales to study compassion at work (individual compassion, compassion of co-workers and organizational compassion) in the Hispanic work context. The sample consisted of 443 persons from various labor sectors in Puerto Rico. The results confirm a factorial structure of three sub-scales (cognition, affection and behaviors) to measure individual compassion, a one-dimensional scale to measure the compassion of co-workers, and a two-dimensional scale (compassionate policies and practices), all with good psychometric properties. We conclude that the three instruments measuring compassion at work are appropriate instruments for use in the Puerto Rican labor context, in addition to being a contribution to the scientific literature of occupational psychology.


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How to Cite

Pedraza González, L. A., Rodríguez Montalbán, R., & Martínez Lugo, M. (2021). When Compassion Moves Us: It Presents at Work. Revista Caribeña De Psicología, 5(1), e5605. https://doi.org/10.37226/rcp.v5i1.5605