Effect of the Management of LGBTT+ Identity on Psychological Wellbeing





Gender, Identity, LGBTT , wellbeing


The current study, guided by the Minority Stress Model (Meyer, 2003), seeks to examine the effect of sexual orientation or gender identity management (disclosure or concealment) in the relationship between internalized negative ideals (internalized homonegativity and internalized transnegativity) and psychological wellbeing in LGBTT+ people in Puerto Rico. Four instruments were translated from English to Spanish, two of them relating to the management of the minority identity, and two regarding the internalized negative ideals. Additionally, reliability measures were calculated for each instrument. The sample consisted of 203 participants, 165 identified as cisgendered, and 38 identified themselves as trans or another gender. Results suggested that internalized negative ideals predicted the minority identity management in LGBTT+ people. However, the relationship between the internalized negative ideals and psychological wellbeing was only confirmed in terms of sexual orientation and not of gender identity, which suggests that other factors may better explain wellbeing in trans people. A discussion is presented on these results' implications and the study's challenges and limitations due to the Covid-19 pandemic, and suggestions for further studies.


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How to Cite

Vélez Rios, B., Martínez-Taboas, A., & Pérez-Pedrogo, C. (2021). Effect of the Management of LGBTT+ Identity on Psychological Wellbeing. Revista Caribeña De Psicología, 5(1), e5455. https://doi.org/10.37226/rcp.v5i1.5455

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