Remote Assessment: Considerations for Puerto Rico During and After COVID-19


  • Oxalis Jusino-Aldarondo Ponce Health Sciences University



COVID-19, psychological assessment, tele-assessment, tele-medicine


In the times of COVID-19 many Puerto Rican psychologists had to reinvent themselves with the use of technology to be able to offer their services. This article reviews and discusses historical literature on remote evaluation and how it has evolved. Also, provides an understanding of the current status of this modality before beginning this practice. To be able to make use of remote evaluation it is important to know the ethical implications, its modalities and the process of how to carry it out. Therefore, the current laws in Puerto Rico and the recommendations of various psychology associations are discussed. Also, some of the necessary materials are reviewed such as cameras, monitors and online platforms. In addition, the psychological measures that have evidence that remote evaluation could be used, are analyzed, and how some can be adjusted to meet the need. Some performance tests like the Reynold’s Adaptable Intelligence Test, Weschler Intelligence Scales for Children V y Woodcock Johnson IV (RAIT, WISC-V and WJ-IV) have been remotely standardized or equivalent studies have been conducted. Furthermore, it is considered how COVID-19 can somehow affect the teaching and supervision of the assessment processes and competences. Finally, recommendations of how remote assessment could be used in the future in Puerto Rico.


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How to Cite

Jusino-Aldarondo, O. (2020). Remote Assessment: Considerations for Puerto Rico During and After COVID-19. Revista Caribeña De Psicología, 4(2), 166–175.



Sección Especial: COVID-19