The Experience of Obstetric Violence in Puerto Rican Adult Women: A Phenomenological Study from a Gender Perspective




violence, obstetric violence, institutional violence


This qualitative study explores the experience of obstetric violence in 10 Puerto Rican women. Obstetric violence is a phenomenon where women experience disrespectful, abusive, and negligent treatment during prenatal care, childbirth, and postpartum by the professionals they serve. A qualitative design and phenomenological approach were used. The Wolcott Model was applied for the analysis of narratives. The stories respond to deliveries between the dates of 2006 to 2016. The study's findings revealed three categories: silenced to power, institutional violence, and "Snatching a Beautiful Illusion." The emerging categories reflect the physiological, emotional, and psychological consequences as a result of the practices and procedures of health professionals. The study concludes that obstetric violence is the exercise of power and control perpetrated by an institutionalized culture. The violence caused silence, disciplined self-determination, misinformation, and uncertainty during delivery.


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How to Cite

Hernandez, Z. (2020). The Experience of Obstetric Violence in Puerto Rican Adult Women: A Phenomenological Study from a Gender Perspective. Revista Caribeña De Psicología, 4(3), 259–271.