Sexual Minorities’ Experiences in Therapy Services in Puerto Rico: A Qualitative Study



Palabras clave:

LGB/LGBT, psychotherapy, therapy barriers, therapy satisfaction, health barriers


Studies have found that lesbian, gay, and bisexual persons (LGB+) find that their therapist does not have the necessary knowledge to work with their sexual orientation, they ignore their sexual orientation, they do not meet their needs, and they even conceptualize it as a problem. The purpose of this study was to explore the experiences of LGB+ people with therapeutic services received. This study was a secondary data analysis of the qualitative results of a mixed method study from a phenomenological exploratory scope. Eighty-seven (87) persons who identified their sexual orientation as LGB+ participated in this study. Thematic analysis was used as an analysis technique. Eight (8) main topics emerged that are exposed and justified in the results: preconceptions about the development of the sexual orientation, feelings about disclosure, signs of understanding or misunderstanding, personal qualities, professional qualities, religious experiences, homophobic and biphobic experiences, and heterosexist experiences. The repercussions of the findings are discussed and the curricular review of the disciplines and the professional acquisition of competencies and skills necessary for therapeutic practice with LGB+ people are recommended, as established by local and national guidelines.


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Cómo citar

Esteban, C., Francia-Martínez, M., Bruno-Ortiz, T., Santiago-Ortiz, A. M., Mattei-Torres, E., Jiménez-Ricaurte, C., … Hernández del Valle2, S. (2023). Sexual Minorities’ Experiences in Therapy Services in Puerto Rico: A Qualitative Study. Revista Caribeña De Psicología, 7(1), e7433.



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